Mondblut1984. And yet they have more typos in it than a fan translation that was done in a month. Mondblut1984

 And yet they have more typos in it than a fan translation that was done in a month[email protected]" alt="Mondblut1984 It's really jarring when the English subtitles are in such a bizarre [email protected] 21h During intercourse a woman is expected to verbally reject, the idea is that she doesn't want to openly show her sexual desire, showing shame, which in turn is a sexual stimulus for both [email protected]" style="filter: hue-rotate(-230deg) brightness(1.05) contrast(1.05);" />

Throughout history we always gravitated towards beauty when it comes to characters to relate to. So you think it's okay for a woman to get her lower body surgically paralyzed and live on welfare for the rest of her life because she identified as crippled?”Honestly, honorifics should just be present in the English version. Really excited for that one. However appa…”RT @Mondblut1984: The west (USA) really wants to now fully claim Japan as their colony it seems. I'll never understand people complaining about optional content, let alone bad endings. I always knew Gamebanana is a woke trash site, but this further cements it: Fans made an uncensor mod for Fire Emblem Engage and restored the censored supports. Very little in terms of waifus and a strong focus on bishounen characters. To sum up - CERO has no actual influence over what goes into a game, it's developers [email protected]. The guy influenced a lot of things because again, the first anime was his [email protected]. Yeah. I wish current Pokemon games had as vibrant/expressive designs. As for Timerra (I believe?): very good design and I find her very appealing and cute. January 24, 2023. I'm truly baffled that NISA insisted on the "Trails To Walk" nonsense when the original Japanese version had a much better sounding English(!) term for it. What even is the issue here? You say it as if Estelle wouldn't talk like that. “@Aloysius_Freyr [email protected] What other copyright holder has any interest in taking this down other than NISA? The only other copyright holders who could do this are Falcom, who aren't harmed by this and CLE, who would actually profit from the fan translation as it would sell copies of their STEAM port. This is due to abstraction. It will come to bite them in the ass, though. “@razuberiru @BasedFrontal @Mondblut1984 But not chopping off body parts to get on welfare. Another comparison and proof how NISA forced memes and internet/modern day speak into the localization. Tweet / Twitter. Not long until they administer puberty blockers and mutilate children or have drag queens in schools. Didn't see much talk about their last investor's report, but it all makes sense now. Since it's not mentioned and kept ambiguous the writer decided that it's irrelevant to the [email protected]. . Heroes and heroines are attractive, villains ugly. There is a spreadsheet TL by Zero Field for CSIII/CSIV. It's literally in every single romance or harem anime, manga, VN/eroge. We remember through my heart. 25 Jun 2023 00:44:34“@JackManic1 @ultraheroinefan @iuntue true”If someone outside of the target demographic enjoys a work doesn't negate the validity of the target demographic. And now Altina-chan finally thrones above them all. Thankfully the fan translation exists. So children dying is fine. Mondblut. Moreover sexuality in Japanese fiction "is the most important factor upholding reality " as. ”“@itrainsstardust Awakening was also PEGI 12 and it had Nowi. Bandai Namco's current diversity agenda made them forget how to actually make decent character designs. ”@Mondblut1984 · Apr 21. It's what attracted me to anime in the first place and why JRPGs are forever better than Western games. Once you get to Hajimari and Kuro 1, use the fan TL patch at all costs!“@Mondblut1984 Okay right after reading this i've instantly sent a refund request to steam. It's just a matter of time until they start the re-education at schools. ”@Mondblut1984. “@Mondblut1984 It's true that homosexuality is treated differently in Japanese culture compared to the West and that Westerners often don't understand those differences but this is like saying that Yaoi manga has nothing to do with homosexuality since it's mostly consumed by straight women. Can you assure us that there is no such biased/derogatory mistranslation in Clover Days?“@omegavalwin @Mondblut1984 Yeah. JP: す一ちゃんが事前に気配を察知してくれたおかげだよ。 Literal TL: "It's all thanks to Su-chan for sensing their presence in advance. " So Koei Tecmo have their own Ethics Department now, heh? No wonder Atelier Ryza 3 was censored the way it was earlier this year. 119. I've seen better fan mods/games than this [email protected] 'Tis as if I gaze upon angels enshrined in the center of my most holy waifu sanctum, divine beings who descended upon our realm. Old news, but this is once again the west pushing its norms onto Japan, where sexual customs vastly differ. Well, aside from making the characters talk like American teenagers, there's one particular localization choice I cannot stand above all else:@Mondblut1984. Didn't see much talk about their last investor's report, but it all makes sense now. 3月9日参議院内閣委でクレカ会社による表現規制について質疑。政府は事態を把握しているとの初答弁。キャッシュレス決済比率8割を目指しているが、規律無くばクレカ会社が表現物・商品等の取引を支配する事になり得極めて危険。@Mondblut1984. It's not censorship unless someone steps in and tells them to do it. 11eyes. I thought after the backlash earlier this year they would change it, but localizers can't resist butchering original works. “@_Seinai The sad thing is that even back in the SNES and GB days localizers inserted memes and fan fiction. ·. Better to let the original voice acting do all the work in terms of personality to make for a smoother read. ”@Mondblut1984 · Jun 24. So character ages don't matter. I hope I'm reading too much into this, but the current trend of toning down JRPG character designs to adhere to western sensibilities is. I know for a fact they have loli and shota mods for fallouts and skyrim. As if making up lines that were not in the original script wasn't bad enough, putting in cringe puns adds insult to injury. ”“1/2 It seems Fire Emblem Engage got even stronger censored by Nintendo's localization team than anticipated. ”“RT @Mondblut1984: @t0mbXD I censored the e-mail because I don't want to break Twitter rules for spreading private information. NISA, heh? I wonder how much their localizers will censor PC version localization by Shiravune. “@IntLast @Mondblut1984 @MonikaCinnyRoll And tell mondblut he can fuck off with you, since hes having you fight his battles for him. In mario you do not see blood, bones or gore when you crush an enemy, meaning it is a lot more abstract and less true to how crushing someone actually looks and sounds. A documentary that you blocked in Japan so that no one there sees how you slander its people. . What are you doing, Falcom?”“To be fair, people who complain about the EN dub being removed probably haven't played the original Gamecube games in English. Not so much cringe, but rather unnecessary localizer fan fiction. It was Miki's panties they censored. For anyone who was interested if NISA censored Altina's Beach Event. Now this person claims that fan servicy designs in the past were "outliers" and the new games the norm? Makes me wonder if those people even ever played any of those series in the first place:”@Mondblut1984 18h During intercourse a woman is expected to verbally reject, the idea is that she doesn't want to openly show her sexual desire, showing shame, which in turn is a sexual stimulus for both partners. But the faintest hint of romance is the bad thing??”“@Mondblut1984 I ain’t arguing with a guy who has “otakusexual” in his bio son you’ve already lost”@Mondblut1984 · Apr [email protected] Aug 2 Point being: it is very often that translators have to infer from a character design what gender he or she is, because gender specific pronouns are omitted due to the nature of the language. That's more embarrassing than I thought it would be. Both of them. . And it's not a culture thing I am from Pakistan. Either way: I've recently read ToHeart2, which Ittaku translated and there was a line where he translated ロリコン as pedo. Like the meaning is essentially the same but it does change the personality of the characters which just isn’t ok. Replying to . This nails it. I mean, these games have more words to translate than the whole Harry Potter Saga. Though in retrospect, the leggings under the skirt ruin her design. (NSFW photos in the thread)@Mondblut1984. The more you express your hatred on pedos, the more heroic you [email protected]. They already tried to change the school curriculum to spread LGBT [email protected]. I was just explaining how those issues resonate with trans people and why they identify with it and like to interpret Nia in that way. ”“@Mondblut1984 See, the one thing I am still not getting: if we really consider these characters to be children. 1. Mondblut @Mondblut1984 3h This reminds me of the Cyanotype Daydream debacle from last year, when developer Laplacian started aiming for the All Ages phantom [email protected]. . "@Mondblut1984 18h During intercourse a woman is expected to verbally reject, the idea is that she doesn't want to openly show her sexual desire, showing shame, which in turn is a sexual stimulus for both partners. Tourist moment on reddit. 9. Either way, would buy it again physically for my PS4, if it was any other publisher, but not NISA. And in the current day climate where even Japanese games get censored during development, we might never see someone like her again. . ”“@IntLast @Mondblut1984 @MonikaCinnyRoll I cannot believe how deluded you two are and i seriously hope you never have any interaction with children”“@Mondblut1984 can't these people please fuck off and stop censoring my game”“@Mondblut1984 the player character is usually a teen at about 14-16yo. Screenshot by Gamepur. Ayakashibito. Mar 26. A weird form of political correctness censorship in the third Magical Girl Alisa episode in Trails into Reverie. Games need attractive characters and art. I consider JP dub a big plus. Hell, I'll go so far as to say that XSEED's Estelle is a very different character to the Japanese Estelle. ”@Mondblut1984 18h During intercourse a woman is expected to verbally reject, the idea is that she doesn't want to openly show her sexual desire, showing shame, which in turn is a sexual stimulus for both partners. I don't want to read made up fan fiction by localizers. If it's an internal decision made by the creators, then it's just a. Any romance lines with supports that were with minors were [email protected]. I didn't notice any visible difference between JP voices and subs”“@Mondblut1984 why do they change the entire meaning and personalities of characters? how can they keep getting away with this?”RT @Mondblut1984: I couldn't care less about the English voice actors, but I guess this proves that we'll see a heavily censored localization script with it. See new Tweets. RT @Mondblut1984: It's like we are living in some kind of clown world that someone unironically asks that question. 11:48 AM · Jul 20, 2023. literal incel behavior, so im gonna go before you dox me for dissing your 11 year old waifu by accident, cya”“@Mondblut1984 Wasn't aware of that”“@ChazIcer What I want to get at is that these Japanese media are made with the understanding that it's its own separate reality. You won't find any Japanese gaming outlet feeling offended by character ages. The sad thing is: NISA makes their localization with this ilk in mind. The drop in writing quality when you reach each chapter's new location is. The entire script is currently datamined and discussed/dropped on various places (like 4chan's /feg/)”@Mondblut1984 During intercourse a woman is expected to verbally reject, the idea is that she doesn't want to openly show her sexual desire, showing shame, which in turn is a sexual stimulus for both partners. Minors like you are what I am campaigning to get kicked out from Twitter. It works with the old overlay app. ”@Mondblut1984. ”@Mondblut1984 18h During intercourse a woman is expected to verbally reject, the idea is that she doesn't want to openly show her sexual desire, showing shame, which in turn is a sexual stimulus for both partners. I was a bit surprised when I saw those on Yahoo Auctions unopened and unused, given that they have been released 10 years ago. “@AIRINMYLUNGS1 @JayMemer194 And players who play GTA or other violent games are killing someone by your logic. I just want an accurate translation that translates what is being said into proper [email protected]. Takatori: ""I have an opinion, but I can't talk about it right now. Presumably Musse refers to 男の娘. And again, I'm just going off canon material that her body is that of the 12 year old Sakura. Otaku since the very early 90s. ;)”@Mondblut1984 18h During intercourse a woman is expected to verbally reject, the idea is that she doesn't want to openly show her sexual desire, showing shame, which in turn is a sexual stimulus for both partners. " They basically want to re-educate Japan. A localizer complaining that the Samurai Maiden localization nonsense was reverted back to what they actually say in Japanese. “I personally don't mind typos that much, however NISA worked on this localization for years. The news comes from not just @iuntue — a Twitter user who specializes in exposing inaccurate and outright censoring localization ‚ but also users @Mondblut1984. 4:46 PM · Apr 13, 2023. It's also apparent from the lines that are written for them and the camera angles in anime they use. Wait, they said they couldn't release it on STEAM because if they censored it, it would lose its core appeal? The same Shiravune who recently censored Kuroinu on STEAM to the point that character sprites became black shadows, basically making it unplayable? Do I smell Hypocri[email protected]. ”@Mondblut1984 · 21h. . I'm sure there will be the type of designs you want in the game, personally I think the new XC3 designs are sick. raspberyl. @Mondblut1984. Reminds me of tourists whining about the bad ending heroine humiliation scenes in Baldr [email protected]. It's how a sane human mind works. the primary target of teens”RT @Mondblut1984: Ah, totally forgot that. Reminds me in the soulless character designs in Tales of Arise. It should be very easy to see. . Fire Emblem Engage Guides. The detachable hair parts on her back alone are almost as large as a separate 1/8 scale figure -. It's been around for a few years now. So it seems NISA is going after the ongoing Kuro no Kiseki 2 work in progress fan translation by some 4chan anons. Localizer fan fiction is always bad, whether it's NISA or XSEED. I have all the updates applied, any ideas what may be wrong?”“@Mondblut1984 She's literally saying the same thing in both versions. If they started following the west, not only will they censor the things above, they will also start making-”“@N7JoeJoe People whined about Nowi back then as well (though for some reason with this here it got worse). Hachiroku-chan's 109 years old, as she was built in 1914 AD. Just yesterday the line popped up again when I read an eroge - twice. In other words: there. ”“Ah, I see. Doesn't really matter. ”“@Mondblut1984 Also, it's a western thing to compete each other on who hate pedos the most. It's the same with Mario games: you wouldn't call them depictions of animal cruelty when Mario stomps on koopas, no?”RT @Mondblut1984: As long as this company holds Falcom games hostage expect to never again see any of their games properly [email protected] The age of marriage is 16 in Crossbell canonically, but since we don't know the age of consent, it can be anything, it can be 14 or 40. ”@Mondblut1984 Not sure who the target audience is with this game, but surely not your typical Falcom fan if you compare it to prior Ys trailers. Yeah, SO5 also marked the beginning of the end. 4. ”@Mondblut1984 What's more: C;H has a similar glossary function as S;G has. I've enjoyed many very literal fan translations, manga scanlations and fan subs for anime over the last 2 or so decades and I can't remember a single one that I had an issue with. “@comradeDoggie @BachiIchab @Mondblut1984 Iirc, it's because Japan doesn't really have enough fluent bilingual people to make their own translations. To the blacklist of devs they go. LMAO”@Mondblut1984. Tame and boring as hell. 4. @Mondblut1984. Aug 1, 2022. The other localizer fan fiction changes are equally cringe. So yeah, some mistake can be in the final product. and. I did have an issue with Hajimari's patch, certain characters like Juna/Noelle and others have issues with their audio. No more hesitation from me, this was the last drip of water overflowing the bucket of bullshit going on with this localization, this just drew the absolute line for me. My my, another one who sees real people in drawings and inanimate objects. They could have at least given her visible cleavage. Replying to @Mondblut1984. . The people working on translations purposly fuck up these games because they hate them. So they kinda just trust the westerners to know what they're doing. I already love how how best girl Kazusa switches between tsun tsun and dere dere in a single scene. Julian Leonardo Reyes [email protected]. 1. That aside: I hope more people have the balls to tell narcissistic localizers to their face what what we think of them butchering Japanese media. “@kawaiiconweeb @Mondblut1984 @pillsinplastic @chuuuyacore @Aloysius_Freyr It is actually. 16 Jul 2023 10:05:53“The original line btw: ソードメイデン(剣の乙女)。「おめでとうA級遊撃士、工レイン·オークレール!」”“@Mondblut1984 bro you are trying to romance an 11 year old girl she literally LOOKS 11 bro what are you doing I get the localization thing is troubling in some situations but this is them trying to fix something problematic in the original game???”“1/7 As I quoted psychologist Saito Tamaki on that multiple times, that is your western perspective. ”RT @Mondblut1984: Another article on how the LGBT propaganda bill was passed in Japan.