Pointe shoe fitter reacts. Pointe Shoe Museum? Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts! June 11, 2023dead pointe shoes are the new cups lol~your binge list: PART 1: 2: 3: Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. Pointe shoe fitter reacts

 Pointe Shoe Museum? Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts! June 11, 2023dead pointe shoes are the new cups lol~your binge list: PART 1: 2: 3: Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023Pointe shoe fitter reacts  Santa Jo is here! To bring you what you really want

Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok - Part 18 March 31, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. . Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. Pointe. Pointe Shoe Museum? Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts! June 11,. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok Part 22 July 05, 2023. Acro; acrobatics; adult dancer; amazon pointe shoes; ambassador; americas got talent;Thank you, Eugene. Just know there's some Barbie, some cups, some amazing things, and cute things. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. Pointe Shoe Museum? Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts! June 11, 2023. In this episode of 'Josephine Reacts,' a popular youtube compilation of "ballet mistakes" was presented to the pointe shoe fitter. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. Want more @JosephineLee ? Follow @josephineylee !*book an appointment!*-SAN. This week, we had Josephine react to Dance Memes - sorta like Tik Tok, but older LOL. Watch on Are ballerinas perfect? In this episode of 'Josephine Reacts,' a popular youtube compilation of "ballet mistakes" was presented to the pointe shoe fitter. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok 20 May 11, 2023"The internet did this to you. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Viral Pointe Shoe Hacks June 29, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Plays Ballet Video Game December 22, 2022. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Vitoria Bueno on America's Got. Pointe Shoe Fitting 11 Year Old YAGP Hope Award Winner. If you don't like to look at feet. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet TIk Tok 14. Lauren Gonzales' choreography for Regional Dance America/Southwest, brings waves of humor and amusement to Jacques Offenbach score. 'tis the season to be TIK TOK TRAUMATIZED lol~your binge list: PART 1: 2: 3: Shoe Fitter Reacts to Tart Adage by Queen of Hearts from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland February 09, 2023. Try Not To Cringe *Pointe Shoe Edition* June 09, 2023. Kathryn Morgan May 04, 2023. over stretching is not the way, pass it on. Watch on. Pointe Shoe Museum? Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts! June 11, 2023. Pointe Shoe Museum? Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts! June 11,. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Viral Pointe Shoe Hacks June 29, 2023. com with anything you'd like Josephine to react to. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Viral Pointe Shoe Hacks June 29, 2023. The dancers appear to be wearing pointe shoes that have little taps at the tip of them, and perform gravity defying feats. Why Professional Ballet Dancers Destroy Brand New Pointe Shoes February 16, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. . Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. September 01, 2022 • Jazley Faith • ballet • competition dance • dance • dance moms • hip hop • jo jo siwa • pointe shoe fitter • Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts • the pointe shopPointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok Part 22 July 05, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Viral Pointe Shoe Hacks June 29, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Barbie & the 12 Dancing Princesses March 03, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. "human beings never cease to amaze me"Want more @JosephineLee ? Follow @josephineylee !*book an appointment!*-SAN FRANCISCOShoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 11 August 11, 2022. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Viral Pointe Shoe Hacks June 29, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitting 11 Year Old YAGP Hope Award Winner May 18, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Viral Pointe Shoe Hacks June 29, 2023. This week Josephine reacts to Michelle Khare's video "I trained like a ballerina for 6 weeks"! pointe shoe fitter reacts to MICHELLE KHARE BALLET. Acro; acrobatics; adult dancer; amazon pointe shoes. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok Part 22 July 05, 2023. Josephine reacts to Jordan Matter! From ballerinas balancing on bottles (EN POINTE!!) in the middle of the streets of New York City, to forcing world's sweetest human being (Alex Wong <3) to talk to strangers; dance photographer, Jordan Matter, brings it all in his insane photo challenge videos!. 8M views 1 year ago !!!PART 6: its not really a ballet. 1M views • 2 years ago 5:21 Reacting to BALLET TIK TOKS (PART 2) The Pointe Shop • 491K views • 2 years ago. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. Pointe Shoe Museum? Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts! June 11, 2023Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Eugene Lee Yang's "I'm Gay" June 23, 2022 • Jazley Faith • ballerina • ballet • ballet pride • boys ballet • dance • drag queen • eugene lee yang • pointe • pointe shoe fitter • Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts • transgender •. email [email protected]. "~your binge list: PART 1: 2: 3: reacts to Haley Pham en pointe! For those of you who don't know who Haley Pham is, she is a YouTuber who has been on the internet since she was very young. Pointe Shoe Museum? Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts! June 11,. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. First off, PLEASE DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME. #nametwins Want more @JosephineLee ? Follow @josephineylee !*book an appointment!*-SAN DIEGOShoe Fitter Reacts to Dance Memes. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok - Part 16 February 02, 2023. Though you should never go on pointe after only training for 6 weeks, we were glad to see that Michelle had hold. January 19, 2023 • Jazley Faith • americas got talent • ballerina • ballet • ballet competition • pointe shoe fitter • Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts •. Subscribe. Get to the Pointe — competition dance Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Jo Jo Siwa. pointe shoe fitter reacts to ballet tik toks 19. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitting 11 Year Old YAGP Hope Award Winner May 18, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitting 11 Year Old YAGP Hope Award Winner. Acro; acrobatics; adult dancer; amazon pointe shoes. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok Part 22 July 05, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok Part 22 July 05, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. "this was way more traumatizing than tik tok" Want more @JosephineLee ? Follow @josephineylee !*book an appointment!*-SAN FRANCISCOthis what children look like now?!" 😂PART 2: an Appointment -Southern California: Certification Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts! July 25, 2022 • pointe shoe fitter • Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts • pointe shoes • refinery29 • the pointe shop • thepointeshopMarch 31, 2023 • Jazley Faith • ballet • Ballet TikTok • pointe • Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts • TikTok At this pointe, Josephine must have seen it all. Try Not To Cringe *Pointe Shoe Edition* June 09, 2023. Categories. The shoe must be snug across the knuckle of the toe, but not squeeze it so much as to inhibit movement. The vamp should cover the toes, so in other words, no toe cleavage. Please be advis. Try Not To Cringe *Pointe Shoe Edition* June 09, 2023. After a hurricane and 12 hour train ride, we made it to made it to New York successfully! And to celebrate, Josephine watched the latest Rybka Twins video! They took us to their fitting as they got new shoes, and attempted the famous 32 fouetté challenge from the Black Swan variation of Swan Lake. Josephine watches Jo Jo take a dance class for the first time in several years. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Viral Pointe Shoe Hacks June 29, 2023. email your ballet bloopers to [email protected] 11, 2023 • Jazley Faith • ballet • How pointe shoes are made • pointe • pointe shoe fitter • Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts • pointe shoe fitting This week, Josephine caught a glimpse of a dream she never knew she had. Acro; acrobatics; adult dancer; amazon pointe shoes. Watch on. did you know @JosephineLee made dance memes???*book an appointment!*-SAN DIEGO…Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. What wiljosephine, meet jo jo. again? @JosephineLee email [email protected]. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. Acro; acrobatics; adult dancer; amazon pointe shoes. Pointe Shoe Fitting 11 Year Old YAGP Hope Award Winner May 18, 2023Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. pointe shoe fitter REACTS to baLLet tiK toKs (PART 5) The Pointe Shop 182K subscribers Subscribe 46K Share 1. please. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok Part 22 July 05, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. Categories. Categories. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22,. DESTROYING a CUSTOM POINTE SHOE (pointe shoe fitter reacts to Scout Forsythe) April 28, 2023. now we have a tik tok video for every month of the year - TIK TOK TWELVE. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok Part 22 July 05, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. A long awaited requested video! This week, Josephine reacted to Anna McNulty's "Learning a NEW SKILL EVERYDAY with No. Pointe Shoe Museum? Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts! June 11,. Although some elements may be dramatized, it gives insight to her specific experience and story. Pointe Shoe Museum? Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts! June 11,. Try Not To Cringe *Pointe Shoe Edition* June 09, 2023. This is a dancer's worst nightmare. However, the wrong fit can prove harmful. Pointe Shoe Museum? Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts! June 11, 2023. "*No hate intended! We are aware that there was an earlier segment of this episode that included actual ballerinas (and one of. DESTROYING a CUSTOM POINTE SHOE (pointe shoe fitter reacts to Scout Forsythe) April 28, 2023. Ya know, just the usual ballet internet chaos that we love. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok Part 22 July 05, 2023. Try Not To Cringe *Pointe Shoe Edition* June 09, 2023. u asked for italso just hire dancers pls & thnxPART 12: ~your binge list: PART 1: 2: January 09, 2023 FEET DESTROYED?! pointe shoe fitter reacts Watch on If you don't like to look at feet. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. Categories. if you walk away with anything from this video, know that pointe shoes are NOT made out of [email protected] we would LOVE to fit you!!!Want more @Josephin. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. in other words, a bunch of ballet tik toks for our resident master pointe shoe fitter to react to. it's the heart palpitations for me lol~your binge list: PART 1: 2: 3: 4 YA'LL: 5: 6: PART 2:. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. So when ballerinas mess up, it feels like a. Pointe Shoe History - Featuring Professor Jennifer Fisher August 09, 2022. . Try Not To Cringe *Pointe Shoe Edition* June 09, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. we all have a fancy nancy in our lives lol*book an appointment!*-SAN FRANCISCOShoe Fitter Reacts to Black Swan. 0:00 7:27 Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to TRY GUYS BALLET The Pointe Shop 185K subscribers Subscribe 350K views 1 year ago Don't you think @JosephineLee & Eugene from @tryguys would be best. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok Part 22 July 05, 2023. the internet. Try Not To Cringe *Pointe Shoe Edition* June 09, 2023. Pointe Shoe Museum? Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts! June 11,. Try. On this episode of 'Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts,' Josephine reacted to a Dhar Man video featuring Jordan Matter and Lizzy Howell. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok - Part 19. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitting for Competition | Big Sis Ballet Talk feat. Watch on. com with anything you'd like Josephine to react to. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. Pointe Shoe Museum? Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts! June 11, 2023. something's never change. PNB just gets it 😍 *book an appointment!*-SAN FRANCISCOthe end of the internet *PART 5* 6: PART 1: 2: Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok - Part 19 April 20, 2023. . Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok Part 22 July 05, 2023. Acro; acrobatics; adult dancer; amazon pointe shoes. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Viral Pointe Shoe Hacks June 29, 2023. Try Not To Cringe *Pointe Shoe Edition* June 09, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. Kathryn Morgan May 04, 2023. " Don't worry, no scary magical bird transformation in this version. Pointe Shoe Fitting for Competition | Big Sis Ballet Talk feat. Pointe Shoe Fitting for Competition | Big Sis Ballet Talk feat. . Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Viral Pointe Shoe Hacks June 29, 2023. And a little traumatic for @JosephineLee . com! *book an appointment!*-SAN FRANCISCOEM WIT YO PASSÉ, KEN!" we all need a hypeman at ballet class amirite?! *book an appointment!*-SAN DIEGOANA26, 2022 • ballerina • ballet • dance • pointe • pointe shoe fitter • Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts • pointe shoe fitting • pointe shoes • TikTok. pointe shoe fitter reacts to BALLET TIK TOK 13. Categories. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to 100 Year Old Dancer March 23, 2023. 5:14 Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to BALLET TIK TOKS (PART 1) The Pointe Shop • 1. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. Although some elements may be dramatized, it gives insight to her specific experience and story. Similarly,Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok Part 22 July 05, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok Part 22 July 05, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to TIK TOK PART 9! This week, Josephine gets another dose of the internet's finest pointe shoe content. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. (Two Tik Tok reactions this month :) As the year comes to a close, we reflect on the ballet internet we've. Pointe Shoe Fitting a Dancer From Ukraine April 07, 2023. the Ollivander's of pointe shoes. pointe shoe fitter REACTS to baLLet tiK toKs (PART 5) !!!PART 6: its not really a ballet tik tok react video without traumatizing @JosephineLee a lil bit righ Show. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Toks - Part 21 June 15, 2023. Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Ballet Tik Tok Part 22 July 05, 2023. dear santa, pls send a pointe shoe fitting*book an appointment!*-SAN FRANCISCO…Get to the Pointe — freed Pointe Shoe Fitter Reacts To Tiny Pretty Things. Did Josephine like thPointe Shoe Fitter Reacts to Bodybuilders Doing Ballet June 22, 2023. The ballet internet is truly a beast of it's own. not sure why you're here.